
Cab Drivers Receive Disputed Jackpot

Fri, 22 Jun 2001 Source: AP

A group of 23 cab drivers, made up of mainly Ghanaians, received the disputed winnings from a $90 million jackpot after a judge refused to grant a restraining order requested by five other drivers who said they were wrongly left out.

Max Ossei-Wasu, one of the 23, said the other drivers may have participated in the group's lottery pool on other days but they didn't contribute money for the May 4 drawing the group won.

The drivers, all from Ghana, selected a one-time cash payout and will receive about $49.4 million -- $2.1 million each before taxes.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Alice Bonner issued an order Wednesday authorizing the Georgia Lottery Corporation to pay Ossei-Wasu and his group. Lottery officials said the money was transferred to their account.

Many of those left out of the winning group admitted they didn't pay that week but they said money won in previous drawings was used that week to purchase tickets.

A lawyer for the five who sought the restraining order said the money may be gone before they get to court. ``I don't think they'll be 10 cents available to my clients when we win the case,'' Howard Stopeck said.

The winning drivers said they have plans for their shares of the jackpot. Some planned to travel home to Ghana, Ossei-Wasu said he would buy a house and Frank Safo said he's buying a car.

``I'm not going to put a taxi sign on it,'' Safo said.

Source: AP