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Cadman’s revelation about Mills’ death not enough - AFAG

Afag Demo

Mon, 13 Aug 2012 Source: radioxyzonline

The Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG) says the disclosure by Dr Cadman Mills regarding what led to the death of his brother the late President Mills paves way for further speculations into actual causes of his death.

According to AFAG, the account by Dr. Cadman Mills doesn’t add up to the narration that is already available in the public domain about events leading to the death of the late President.

Dr. Cadman Mills while offering the vote of thanks at the burial site of President Mills revealed that he died of massive stroke.

But speaking to XYZ News, the chairman of AFAG Dr Nana Afriyie said the sequence of events as was narrated by Dr Cadman is shroud with inconsistencies.

“He [Cadman Mills] has actually opened another Pandora box for speculation. It also confirms rumors that the President died two hours before his arrival at the Hospital.

“It also indicts the President for telling the whole nation that President died at 2:15. Just analyze the brother’s statement with a clean mind and just look at the weaknesses of that statement and it would add up perfectly that the story has not been told.

“The truth is not yet out and for that matter the issue is going to linger on” Nana Afriyie said.**

Source: radioxyzonline