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‘Capture your vote to use as evidence' – Nduom tells voters

Nduom New123 Dr Nduom wants voters to take photo's of their cast ballot

Mon, 28 Nov 2016 Source:

Presidential candidate of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom, has asked his party supporters and members to take a photo of their cast ballot when they go to vote in the December 7 general elections.

Addressing a rally at Kwesimintim on Sunday during his three-day campaign tour of the Western Region, Dr Nduom explained the snapping of votes will serve as evidence in the event of electoral disputes in the various constituencies.

“Take pictures of your vote to let everyone and yourself know that you voted. And that you voted for the PPP so that if there is a dispute, we will know here we voted for the PPP so that we can question where our votes are,” he said in Fante Twi.

Meanwhile, the National Commission on Civic Education has advised people to desist from such practice, while the Police Administration has already served notice to prevent people from capturing their votes with their phones.

Director General of Police in charge of Operations, Christian Tetteh Yohuno, last week told TV3 they will bar people from taking their phones into the ballot box on December 7 to prevent them from capturing votes with cameras on their phones.

“We will ask them to drop them before you enter to vote,” he said, noting the move is part of measures put in place ahead of, during and after the elections.
