
Cease the renaming of public universities and think of undustrialization content

EGS BOADI Hope Akpabli

Mon, 18 May 2020 Source: Yamoah Benjamin, Contributor

The bill known as the Public University Act, 2020 is laden with issues that must be looked at. In this PU Act 2020, several public universities have their names changed and renamed after some fallen heroes of this country.

Indeed, it is worth mentioning that a nation that does not honour its heroes is not worth dying for, but we must also be circumspect how we give life to this profound statement. The renaming of public universities after fallen heroes of the land is about initiating a trend - trend that must not be allowed to fester.

Why must it only be our universities that must be named or renamed after fallen heroes? Is it that our governments cannot put up any more edifices which may not necessarily be universities, and name them in memory or in honour of these great men? Especially, at the time, when much has not been seen as in bridging the gap between academia and industry, it is unnecessary changing the names of our tertiary institutions. If we are not careful, we would wake up one day to see the names of all our public tertiary institutions changed with nothing really to show as institutions charged with the responsibility to produce very skillful and competent workforce for the economy of Ghana.

The arbitrary manner in which our public universities are renamed with the same old stories of producing graduates

who can hardly land jobs all because they lack the necessary skills and competence to do so, must not be taken lightly.

I am a citizen of Ghana. Ghana first.


Boadi William

President of EGS, Educationist, Author and Motivational Speaker.

Hope Akpabli

Chief Data Analyst for

Educate Ghana Summit.


EGS...We Educate The Nation.

Source: Yamoah Benjamin, Contributor