
Chief arrested after engaging in fight at a funeral in Ahanta West

Chief Fights Nana Ewiamanle claimed the bereaved family undermined his authority

Thu, 15 Feb 2018 Source: Daniel Kaku

The Chief of Akwidaa, a fishing and farming community near Cape three point in the Ahanta West District of the Western Region has been arrested by the Police for assault

The Chief, Nana Ewiamanle who is also an employee at Ghana COCOBOD was said to have besieged the funeral grounds of one of his subjects to engage in an open brawl with the bereaved family for not recognizing his authority as the Chief of the Town.

This happened in the afternoon of Saturday, February 10, 2018.

In a telephone conversation with GhanaWeb’s Western Regional Correspondent, from the Agona Nkwanta Police station where he has been detained, the Chief sounding very furious expressed his frustration as to why the bereaved family did not recognize his linguist whom he had delegated to the funeral as custom demands.

According to him, it was that posture of the bereaved family that angered him to rush to the funeral grounds to question the family for the disregard of his authority.

This was met with stiff opposition that resulted in a fisticuff in which the Chief who could be seen in a red calico cloth angrily throwing punches and chasing some mourners as well in a video.

He has been charged for assault after he reportedly pulled a knife to stab one of the mourners but he describes it as self-defence.

Source: Daniel Kaku
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