
Chief of Army Staff advises army officers

Sat, 8 Jul 2006 Source: GNA

Kumasi, July 8, GNA - Major-General Samuel Anum Odotei, Chief of the Army Staff, has said that politics and military life are not bedfellows and has therefore advised junior army officers to avoid overt politics and always remain loyal to their Commanders and the state. He noted that in a democratic country like Ghana, military tactics and personal responsibility to safeguard state security were required of every officer.

Major-Gen was addressing junior officers of the Ghana Army at the end of a four-day convention organized by the Northern Command of the Ghana Army in Kumasi on Friday.

The convention, attended by 30 junior officers selected all over the country was under the theme, "Young Officer, The Future of the Ghana Army".

It aimed at creating a platform for both senior and junior officers to share ideas and views to help improve the Ghana Army.

He said as young officers, it was important for them to be constantly be in touch with troops on the ground and their civilian brothers and therefore asked them to be knowledgeable, professional and honest in their work. Major-Gen Odotei said, "It is my duty as your Commander today to ensure that you are well prepared for handing and taking over process whenever it comes". The Chief of the Army Staff noted, "We cannot afford to allow indiscipline to ruin the noble profession" and urged them to obey directives from their higher command at all times. He added that as officers they competed the labour market for quality personnel and that the running of the system badly would not attract the required personnel and that would in the long-term run the army down.

He further said plans were being put in place for their individual development to enable them to become abreast with changing trends and horizons to compete favourable with the outside world. Major-Gen Odotei commended the contributions and ideas of the young officers and hoped that would help evolving measures and strategies to improve the performances of the Ghana Army.

Source: GNA