
Chiefs back Kufuor’s “second chamber” suggestion

Joh Kufuor Spectacles Jan2011

Thu, 12 Sep 2013 Source: XYZ

The National House of Chiefs is backing calls by former President Kufuor for the establishment of a second chamber of Parliament.

The former president has said a second chamber, made up of equal representation of regions and major identifiable groups, will put a check on the lower chamber of MPs.

This, Mr. Kufuor believes, will help reduce the winner-takes-all tendencies and the over politicization of national issues.

Speaking to XYZ News, Vice President of the National House of Chiefs, Awulae Attibrukusu, said the second chamber will also enable chiefs and other opinion leaders contribute more to national development.

“The chieftaincy institution is a very important one, being the mediator between the people and government, so a second chamber would allow them to be more effective in meeting the needs of their people.

"We have a lot of scholars who are chiefs in this country, gone were the days when the chiefs were uneducated,” he argued.

Meanwhile, a former member of the Council of State, Reverend Amo Darko is calling for a broader consultation on the matter.

Source: XYZ