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Chiefs demand clean election campaign

Naa Prof Nabila Wulugu Naba, Naa Professor John S. Nabila

Fri, 29 Jul 2016 Source: GNA

The National House of Chiefs (NHC) has appealed to the political parties and their supporters to ensure clean and decent election campaign to protect the nation’s peace.

They expressed worry about the insults, name calling and the intemperate language and warned that, these, if allowed to continue could be a recipe for chaos.

Wulugu Naba, Naa Professor John S. Nabila, President of the House, said it was important for everybody to act responsibly and avoid doing anything to stir trouble and plunge the country into conflict.

He conveyed the sentiments of the chiefs at their mid-year meeting in Kumasi.

He reminded his colleague traditional rulers not to openly endorse or give their backing to any particular political party or candidate.

They should refrain from making statements that would indicate their choice of a particular political party or candidate to the public.

Naa Prof Nabila stated that “chiefs are fathers and mothers to all Ghanaians” who belonged to different political parties.

As traditional rulers, their interest should be on making sure that the conduct of the general election was peaceful, free and fair, to make the outcome acceptable by all.

He asked that the people worked together to uphold the peace before, during and after the election to consolidate the democratic gains made.

Naa Prof Nabila urged the chiefs to take keen interest in the ongoing exhibition exercise by encouraging the people to check that their names were on the voters’ roll.

Dr. Henry Seidu Dasanaah, Minister for Chieftaincy and traditional Affairs, described the chieftaincy institution as the pride of the Ghanaian culture.

He underlined the need for chiefs to do everything to preserve and protect the institutions at all times.

He spoke of the determination of the Ministry to continue to sensitize the public on the important role of the chieftaincy institution and called on chiefs to desist from acts that could bring the institution into disrepute.

Source: GNA