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Christians must not rely on their physical strength- Pastor

Sun, 6 Sep 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 6, GNA - Rev. Mac Ralph Attih, Parish Pastor of the Mamprobi Redemption Chapel of the Global Evangelical Church, on Sunday noted that money, physical strength, beauty and fleeting wealth should not be the yardstick in measuring success but the amount of trust one have in God.

"Our achievement must be measured by how much we put our confidence in God," he said.

Rev. Attih said this at a thanksgiving service to crown the one year anniversary celebration of the Redemption Voices, a singing band of the church, which was on the theme: "Honouring God through Music." He said: "Just as parental love never wanes even for a deviant child, so is the love of God so abundant to those who trust in him." Rev. Attih said Christians must stop comparing themselves to others, which some times made them resort to unorthodox means to get rich.

He said Christians must desist from the search for miracles, adding that the divine phenomenon exist at where people least expected it. Rev. Attih said words had power and asked Christians to control their tongues, which had power over life and death. "Take stock of the blessing God had granted you. Without proper reflection we fail to comprehend the depth of God's love," he said. He stressed: "Though some friends or family members might treat you treacherously, never forget your God, friends and your root." Rev. Attih told Christians not to take the death and resurrection of Christ for granted by living recklessly. He observed that God would withdraw his control and protection over human lives if they become reckless in their dealings. In all things he said: "We must give thanks go God through music for all his benevolence to mankind."

Source: GNA