
Civil Service & GIMPA in Controversy

Wed, 8 Sep 2004 Source: GHANAIAN TIMES

Dr. Alex Glover-Quartey, Head of Civil Service, has said the high cost of training civil servants at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in Accra, is steadily generating heat between GIMPA and the Head of Civil Service.

He said, for instance that GIMPA charges ?9,297,160 for residential students and ?5,527,160 for non-residential students, for the eight-week post-graduate course it runs for civil servants, leading to the award of a Certificate in Administration.

The 16-week post-graduate Diploma in Public Administration attracts a fee of ?17,697.680 per head.

According to Dr. Glover, the Head of Civil Service (OHCS) has therefore suspended the enrolment of civil servants in training courses at GIMPA, which has in turn, generated a ?cold war?, between the two public institutions.

Speaking to the paper in Accra, Dr. Glover said, ?while the Civil Service receives less and less money for training from the government, GIMPA rates keep going higher and higher.

To resolve the issue, he said, OHCS has identified private individuals with the required expertise and contracted them to organise capacity building and training programmes for civil servants at ?affordable rates?.