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Clamp Down on Terrorist Attack Calandars.

Sun, 7 Oct 2001 Source: Joy Online

The Ghana police Service will soon clamp down the sale of Calendars and other photographs of the recent terrorist attacks on the United States of America being sold openly on the streets of Accra, Kumasi and other major cities.

The Calendars and photographs have been on sale in the country since the September 11 attack on Key installations signifying America’s Military and financial might.

The Police service in a public statement appealed to the conscience of the producers and patrons of these paraphernalia to consider the emotional effects they could cause to the victims of the attack. It said an exercise will be conducted to seize and destroy all such paraphernalia being commercialised.

The American community in Ghana have had cause to complain about the prolific reproductions and commercialisation of the pictures on the tragedy.

Source: Joy Online