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Clergyman appeals to Ghanaians to act responsibly

Tue, 24 Apr 2012 Source: GNA

Right Reverend Moses Quayson, Effiduase Diocesan Bishop of the Methodist Church, has appealed to Ghanaians to act responsibly, to preserve peace, unity and cohesion of the nation.

He called on state institutions, particularly the Ghana Police Service, to discharge their mandate evenhandedly, to win the trust and confidence of the people.

Rt. Rev. Quayson was delivering the sermon at a church service at the Diocese, to climax his three-day tour of the Nsuta Methodist Circuit, in the Sekyere Central District, which took him to the Nsuta, Beposo, Apeakrom, Jetiase, Aponkosu, Asuafu, Atwea and Abaasua.

The clergyman cautioned the youth against acts that could disturb the peace of the country.

Rt. Rev. Quayson asked the church to intensify its evangelism, to bring more people closer to God, and to mobilize resources for development.**

Source: GNA