
Climate Change: Kufuor says no time for blame game

Kufuor Angered

Wed, 2 Apr 2014 Source: GNA

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has called for efforts by world leaders to help reverse the rapid deterioration of the environment, which is wreaking havoc in many parts of the world.

President Kufuor said anywhere nature had struck, mankind with all its modern technology had not been able to find an answer.

“It is about time we act together and be minded that where environmental degradation is concerned, we all swim together or sink together,” he said in a statement signed by his Spokesperson, Mr Frank Agyekum

Former President Kufuor, in his capacity as Special Envoy of the United Nations on Climate Change, was addressing a preparatory meeting of the African-Caribbean-Pacific group in Brussels, Belgium, ahead of the opening the African Union – European Union summit on Wednesday.

He said both developed and developing countries must live up to their responsibilities in safeguarding the environment by taking steps to implement commitments made to reduce emissions harmful to the atmosphere.

“This is not the time to play the blame game. Developing countries have a role to play in this course and have shown their readiness to take the necessary measures to help stop the environmental menace,” President Kufuor said.

He said developed countries must keep within the limits set to reduce ozone-depleting substances and fulfil their promises to developing countries by way of resources and technology to lessen the hardships that they would suffer in the interim by way of revenue losses.

Former President Kufuor will hold bilateral talks with world leaders attending the summit on ways to heighten awareness on the dangers climate change poses to humanity and the need for governments to place it high on their agenda for corrective measures to be taken.

The Former President leaves Brussels for, Britain on Thursday to participate in activities marking the 700th anniversary of Exeter College, Oxford University, his alma mater.

He will then move to New York for briefings with UN representatives on climate change and then to Washington DC to participate in the Spring meetings of the World Bank where he will address the High Level Forum of the Sanitation and Water for All of which he is the Chair.

Source: GNA