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Coconut Grove fire: ‘Handicapped’ Fire Service yet to submit report - Manager

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Sat, 17 Jun 2017 Source:

Disappointed by the work of the Fire Service in quenching the inferno that engulfed a section of their property two months ago, Events Manager of Coconut Grove Hotel, Hugo Happenbauer explains that they are yet to come to terms with the destruction.

Happenbauer noted that the section that was razed down by the fire outbreak included GN Bank, Gold Coast Securities,Amansan TV, Business TV, a barbering shop and some other offices.

He added however that the main hotel section wasn't affected by the fire outbreak and business has picked up well after the incident.

He indicated that the fire outbreak greatly affected patronage of the Hotel immediately after the outbreak as people perceived that the main hotel section was also razed down.

"That was devastating. Who wants to hear bad news in terms of fire? But let me point out that it did not affect the main hotel building.The fire only affected the wooden structure at the car park area towards the swimming pool of the hotel that had offices of GN Bank, Gold Coast Securities and other offices" he disclosed

"But the Hotel was in operation 24hours after the incident. We are still in business offering our services. It was bad and we have never seen such disaster before but we are back in business"

Handicapped Fire Service

When quizzed about the response of the Fire Service to the incident, Happenbauer described the Fire Service as ill equipped and handicapped.

He remarked in disbelief at the Fire Service's inability to quench the fence for close to 5hours.

He said he was distraught on the day as he watched the situation move from bad to worse under the supervision of the Fire Service.

"It wasn't a cement structure, it was a wooden structure. You know how studios are constructed, with foams and all that and so that made the fire more stronger. The Fire Service did their best, but we expected something better from them"

"That was what we were expecting. 5hours not being able to put a wooden structure fire off raises a lot of questions and we saw it that they were handicapped, seriously handicapped... we were really disappointed that a wooden structure could burn for 5 hours" he exclaimed

Fire Service report

When asked about the cause of the fire outbreak and whether the Fire Service had submitted it's report, the Events Manager said he had heard nothing about the report from the them.

He was optimistic that after such a time frame since the unfortunate incident, the report will be submitted for review and assessment very soon.

Huppenbauer revealed however, that internal investigations pointed to faulty air conditioner in the Amansan TV studio.

"We here, we knew the cause. We have stated clearly that it was an electrical switch in the Amansan TV studio. W e are yet to receive a technical report from the Fire Service two months after the incident. I have no information about the report but i think soon we should have it"

Precautionary measure

He pointed out that to forestall any similar future occurrence, some issues have been penned down to be addressed.

Key among them is a fire safety training for all staff of GN Groupe.

He also alluded to some form of education on panic and apt prompt response to administer in distress times such as fire outbreak

The Coconut Groove Hotel is an outlet of Group Nduom, owned by maverick businessman and politician Paa Kwesi Nduom

The Coconut Grove Hotel has also promised patrons of the facility on Sunday a special Fathers Day treat.

They encourage families to make Coconut Grove the ideal place to celebrate all Fathers.
