
Come clear on funding for creation of new regions - Local government expert

Dan Botwe6 Dan Botwe

Wed, 23 Aug 2017 Source:

A local government expert, Amon Kotei is asking government to disclose the source of funding for the four new regions to be created.

According to him, the country is already stressed in terms of funding some important projects in the existing 10 regions due to the unavailability of funds, wondering how government intends to finance the creation of the four new regions.

“I wonder whether the government is getting extra funds outside the country for the development of the new four regions or whether it is the same national tax revenue the government is going to use for the development of the regions.”

“The District Assembly Common Funds meant for development have not been received by the assemblies all these years so, you ask yourself if the Common Fund is not received on time where is the government going to get money for these new regions,” he quizzed.

Although critics of the plan to create the new regions have said suggestions that new regions will ensure the harnessing of natural resources were untenable, the Council of State has approved the President’s decision to create new regions.

Speaking on the Gold Power Drive with Samuel Eshun Tuesday, Mr. Kotei said the process is capital intensive hence the need to interrogate how government is funding it.

“Creating new region is not easy thing at all. So my worry is the funds needed for the establishment of these regions. Don’t also forget that, apart from going through the legal requirements of petitioning the state you would still have to come to the consultative process and voting as well,” he pointed out.

After receiving a favorable response from the Council of State, the President is mandated by the Constitution to set up a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the need for the creation of the new regions.

The new regions to be created are Western North Region, Brong East and West Regions, Oti Region created from the Volta and Northern Region also divided into two regions.
