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Comment: 2016; will NDC put up or shut up?

John Mahama Vs Amissah Arthur

Sat, 7 Jun 2014 Source: The Informer

The John Dramani Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC) government looks so vulnerable approaching the 2016 elections to the chagrin of many good-hearted party big people, activist and sympathizers.

The NDC, which may have forgotten its previously populist background, is today in government, shooting itself in the foot; creating Achilles-heel, which difficulties sprinkles its party adherents along the way to 2016.

This official attitude tends to put joy in the heart of NDC’s political arch-rival, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), that John Mahama and his relatively youthful government are making it a cool-chop for the NPP in 2016, on the face of bureaucratic confusion.

When many political observers believe that attaining power through a resolved struggle in 2008/2012, the NDC elders have chosen to see no evil, hear no evil and talk no evil about government - hence the seemingly experimental nature of governance of the 57-year-old nation at this time – with the collapse of the social fabric, moral structure, as well as national psyche, the elders are said to be afraid of the ‘sharp-teeth babies’ brandishing credentials of governance.

It could be worthwhile should the youth-in-government be made to understudy their jilted elderly officials for a while, to at least, learn that official morals differ greatly from vituperating all over the airwaves on a daily basis, in otherwise fabulously rich country, but where today’s household finds it extremely difficult to table a meal a day, let alone three-square meals; drink potable water and or to shelter itself.

Though, The Informer will always sympathise with the NDC, the paper would put it as constructively as possible, without attempting to spoil any gravy-party that things are not on course in the government of the NDC as people would dishonestly want now-ever-discerning Ghanaians to believe.

Ghanaians may have rejected the NPP in 2008 and 2012 by voting for the NDC to regain power and put NPP's glaring wrongs, right; however, what Ghanaians, The Informer has come to know and know well, would never tolerate queuing in the sun or rain in 2016 from dawn to dusk to vote, is youthful exuberance misconstrued as modern politics, misapplication of state funds and arrant arrogance that leave them hungry, thirsty, naked, squalid and insecure.

It is important that the Mahama-led NDC administration, and to the large extent, the party hierarchy, put up or shut up approaching 2016 elections.

The Informer is saying this because we are afraid, not only floating voters within Ghanaian communities are complaining and vowing, but the very NDC foot-soldiers, and even some most senior members who would choose cowardly to keep silent, but bleed at heart over the dwindling fortunes of the once vibrant and popular party.

Source: The Informer