
Comment: KKD’s alleged rape and matters arising

KKD In Glasses File photo

Tue, 30 Dec 2014 Source: Bernice Owusuwaa

Fifty-year-old Ace Ghanaian broadcaster Kwesi Kyei Darkwa popularly known in showbiz as KKD was on Saturday night arrested by the Airport Police at the African Regent Hotel for allegedly sexually assaulting a19-year-old teenage girl who spent some time with him.
A report by Starr FM states that while the complainant insists KKD sexually assaulted her, the fashion icon also insists the two of them had consensual sexual intercourse and even fraternised over some drinks after the intercourse.
Latest developments on this same issue, has about three other ladies raising the same charges against KKD.
As usual in my country Ghana, before your case is taken to a legal court for trial, prosecution and conviction, you would have first being tried, convicted by the court of public opinion and sentenced to a public judgment of humiliation.
On the rise of this issue so many opinions have been made by legal practitioners, colleagues from the media industry, arts and entertainments and not forgetting the general public, on social media; of course some in supportive of the complainant and attacking KKD, while others no matter what they think their beloved KKD cannot rape the 19-year-old girl hence it is a complete plot to taint KKD’s hard earned reputation.
Well for my comment on this issue, rape case is a very sensitive issue and needs to be treated with caution because either way, one of the victims life and reputation will be ruined forever, leaving a big and deep scar on him or her.
While KKD will have to work hard to restore the tainted reputation this case has started giving him, the teenage lady will also has to prove herself that she is not that a spoilt young lady going round with married men old enough to be her father.
But what if this alleged rape case against KKD is actually true?
Will the Ghanaian Justice system at the court be lenient on this renowned KKD for his previous works done in the Arts and Music Industry or they will proof to Ghanaians that no one is above the law? Only time will tell.

Fifty-year-old Ace Ghanaian broadcaster Kwesi Kyei Darkwa popularly known in showbiz as KKD was on Saturday night arrested by the Airport Police at the African Regent Hotel for allegedly sexually assaulting a19-year-old teenage girl who spent some time with him.
A report by Starr FM states that while the complainant insists KKD sexually assaulted her, the fashion icon also insists the two of them had consensual sexual intercourse and even fraternised over some drinks after the intercourse.
Latest developments on this same issue, has about three other ladies raising the same charges against KKD.
As usual in my country Ghana, before your case is taken to a legal court for trial, prosecution and conviction, you would have first being tried, convicted by the court of public opinion and sentenced to a public judgment of humiliation.
On the rise of this issue so many opinions have been made by legal practitioners, colleagues from the media industry, arts and entertainments and not forgetting the general public, on social media; of course some in supportive of the complainant and attacking KKD, while others no matter what they think their beloved KKD cannot rape the 19-year-old girl hence it is a complete plot to taint KKD’s hard earned reputation.
Well for my comment on this issue, rape case is a very sensitive issue and needs to be treated with caution because either way, one of the victims life and reputation will be ruined forever, leaving a big and deep scar on him or her.
While KKD will have to work hard to restore the tainted reputation this case has started giving him, the teenage lady will also has to prove herself that she is not that a spoilt young lady going round with married men old enough to be her father.
But what if this alleged rape case against KKD is actually true?
Will the Ghanaian Justice system at the court be lenient on this renowned KKD for his previous works done in the Arts and Music Industry or they will proof to Ghanaians that no one is above the law? Only time will tell.

Source: Bernice Owusuwaa