
Commentary Mahama: May God Be Your Helper!!!

Mon, 7 Jan 2013 Source: The Informer

His Excellency President John Mahama: May God Be Your Helper!!!

So soon, four years have come to pass and as a nation we are witnessing another swearing-in ceremony of a President of this dear nation of ours.

Four years ago, it was His Excellency President John Evans Atta Mills, who was being sworn-in to breathe life into his promise to build a Better Ghana.

Per the thinking of man; we believed that four years down the line, President Atta Mills would once again be the one taking another oath of office, to continue another four years of building a Better Ghana.

Alas, God proved to us that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

Today, it is President John Dramani Mahama who is the one taking the oath of office.

For us on The Informer, our joy lies in the fact that President John Mahama is taking his oath of office on the wings of the great National Democratic Congress (NDC) party.

Indeed, four years ago, President Mahama took his oath office as Vice President, and so today’s ceremony is nothing too new to him.

We recall President Atta Mills taking his oath of office and declaring that, God is the President of Ghana and that he (President Atta Mills), was only a vessel to be used by God to build a Better Ghana.

When President Atta Mills was making that prophetic statement, the NPP was busy laughing and sneering at him.

President Atta Mills could not be bothered by the wicked and evil heart of the NPP, and stayed committed to giving God his due.

There is no denying the fact that for the period that President Atta Mills managed the affairs of state, God showed Himself strong in the affairs of Ghana.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to move Ghana’s dying Economy from the deathbed which Kufuor left it on.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to give a new lease of life to the near-dead economy he inherited from Kufuor.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to rebuild the tattered image of Ghana he inherited from Kufuor.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to once-again make Ghana a respected nation among the comity of nations.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to make Ghana an unfriendly destination for Kufuor’s international drug barons and their cartels.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to appoint a Foreign Minister who will not be giving diplomatic passports to drug barons to facilitate their illicit drug trade.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to massively expand Ghana’s broken down infrastructure.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to eliminate so many schools under trees.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to implement the monstrous Single Spine Salary Structure.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to retool and re-equip our Security Agencies.

It was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to see the nation through some near-cataclysmic periods.

Most importantly, it was the Grace of God that allowed President Atta Mills to move his Administration away from the politics of, vindictiveness, viciousness, and tribal politics.

Your Excellency President Mahama, The Informer recalls you saying a few weeks ago that there were many times when as Vice President, you trembled at some of the happenings but any time you went to President Atta Mills, he will say, “don’t worry John, God will see us through this crisis”.

That is the crux of the point The Informer is humbly making today to you our new President.

Sir, if you yourself told us how President Atta Mills used to have a lot a faith in God and believed in Him to handle crisis situations, then our humble plea is for you not to forget the God you serve and worship.

For sure, President Mahama (just like President Mills did), you would have to dig your feet into the sand and roll up your sleeves and work hard as you continue with the ardours task of building a Better Ghana.

Indeed, the bible tells us that “heaven helps those who help themselves”.

So, Mr. President you would have to help yourself but you must remember that God is the Creator of the Universe and the Man who has all the answers to our problems.

There would be times that human beings will fail you; there would be times when human beings will stab you in the back; there would be times when human beings will betray you; there would be times when human beings will attempt to destroy you; it is during those moments that you must seek the Face of God.

God is not like man; who will lie to you so speak to Him at all times and He will guide you on the path of truth.

In your quiet moments, President Mahama; you must communicate with your God and seek his wise counsel.

God has all the answers to our questions and you must not fail to seek divine answers from your God.

Your Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, the journey you are about to embark on, is not an easy one.

Your Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, your ship will hit lots of billows and storms but you must always know that “With Christ in the vessel” you will “smile at the storm”.

For those of us on The Informer, we want to assure you that you can count on our loyalty and support at all times.

We will be with you through thick and thin because as Kufuor said “it is better to be a messenger in a ruling party than to be a General Secretary of an opposition party”.

Sir, since we an infallible, there would be times when we would make some harmless mistakes; when that happens, please forgive us.

Your Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, The Informer wishes you well, and it is our fervent prayer that you succeed as President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana so that Akufo-Addo and his “bad company” NPP remain in opposition for a very long time.

Your Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, we wish you well; our humble request is for you to remember that God is God!

Your Excellency; worship your God in truth and in spirit and do what is right and pleasing in his sight, and your ways will be straight and His endless blessings will be your portion.

Your Excellency, may the Grace of God be with you this day, and throughout the days/weeks/months/years, as you lead this dear nation of ours on the path of growth and development.

Happy New Year and congratulations Your Excellency; The Informer wishes you well and Godspeed!!!


Source: The Informer