
Commercial drivers in the Keta District on strike

Thu, 24 Feb 2005 Source: GNA

Keta, Feb. 24, GNA - Commercial drivers in Keta and Anloga in the Keta District of the Volta have on Thursday laid down their tools in protest against the approved 30 per cent passenger fare increment following the 50 per cent upward price adjustment of petroleum products this month.

They were not happy with the attempt by the Keta District Assembly to enforce the 30 per cent passenger fare on them as against their wish of pegging it between 80-100 per cent.

The roads are clean of vehicles as the dissatisfied drivers packed their vehicles at home, leaving the entire stretch of the road of hundreds of over-anxious stranded commuters.

Meanwhile, the District Assembly in collaboration with some heads of public schools, are using school buses in transporting some of the stranded traders, school children and other commuters to abate the situation.

The District Security Committee (DISEC) has been held up in a crisis meeting over the issue since morning today. A source close to the assembly, who could not understand the stand of the drivers, said the drivers accepted the approved 30 per cent increment at a meeting summoned by the assembly over the new fares just days ago.

Also, a source close to the drivers who refused to be identified told the GNA that the 30 per cent transport fare is not economically feasible.

Disagreements and confrontations over the correct transport fares between the travelling public and the drivers, is a common scene in the area since the fuel price increment, the GNA learnt. 24 Feb. 05

Source: GNA