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Commissioner decries inadequate number of police personnel

Sat, 4 May 2002 Source: gna

Although the Police Service is determined to deal with the current crime wave, the total number of policemen available for the job is woefully inadequate, Mrs. Christine Jane Donkor, Commissioner of Police, said on Friday. She said a new five month intensive training programme had therefore been designed to equip the service with trained personnel to boost the numbers of the police to help fight crime.

Addressing a passing out parade for fifty-four general police recruits made up of 34 females and 20 males at the National Police Training School in Accra she noted that their training was timely in view of the upsurge in violent crimes. The recruits passed out after a five-month intensive programme during which they were trained in various disciplines of crime detection and prevention.

Mrs. Donkor urged the recruits to be circumspect and careful in their duties since the rate and methodology of robbers had assumed fatal dimensions. She cautioned them to desist from corrupt practices and also respect the rights of citizens in the discharge of their duties.

The Commissioner advised them to cultivate the habit of studying on their own to enhance their intellectual and professional advancement. Five recruits received awards for excelling during their training.

Source: gna