
Communique Issued by Teacher Unions and Civil Society Organisations

Wed, 15 Mar 2017 Source: Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition

Communique Issued by Teacher Unions and Civil Society Organisations on the Draft National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework (NTECF)

We the unions in Education in Ghana comprising Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU), Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Coalition of Concerned Teachers – Ghana (CCT-GH), Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG), University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) and Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC) having been consulted and participated in series of workshops on the draft National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework and having deliberated extensively on the draft document, hereby communicate on this 10th day of March 2017 at the Aqua Safari Resort at Ada as follows:

• Consultations among stakeholders have been wide enough to guarantee collective ownership of the framework.

• The draft framework contains the essential elements required to train and equip pre-service teachers to be highly effective.

• We call on all stakeholders to commit themselves to the framework and on government to affirm its commitment to the framework as stated in the State of the Nation Address and the 2017 Budget Statement.

• Government should support and provide the required resources for its implementation and sustainability.


Source: Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition