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Companies, NGOs Given July 15 to Submit Returns

Sun, 9 Jun 2002 Source: GNA

The Registrar-General's Department on Friday asked all companies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to submit their annual returns to the Department by July 15 or face prosecution with their subscribers.

A statement signed by Mr J.K. Harley, Chief State Attorney for the Registrar of Companies, said in addition the Department would strike their names off the Register by the close of business on September 30, 2002.

"All Companies Limited by Guarantee/Non-Governmental Organisations, which fail to deliver their arrears of Annual Returns by the said date shall further have their names published in the Gazette and local dailies."

The statement reminded the public that under the law, every company must once at least in every year, submit annual returns to the Registrar-General's Department.

Source: GNA