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Confused Rawlings is being threatened by his wife- Ephson

Ben Ephson Dispatch Editor

Wed, 17 Oct 2012 Source: radioxyzonline

Pollster Ben Ephson has ascribed Ex- President Rawlings’ current political posture to coercion from his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings.

Mr. Rawlings on Tuesday acknowledged that President Mahama has what it takes to win the December elections.

This comes just days after the Ex- President asked NPP flagbearer Nana Addo to take good care of NDC supporters should he [Nana Addo] win the elections.

Just last Saturday, Mr. Rawlings captured the headlines with the endorsement of his wife as the flagbearer of the NDP and his subsequent prediction on the NDP platform that many NDC MPs will lose their seats badly.

These have led many to wonder what the former President is up to.

But pollster Ben Ephson in an interview with XYZ News said the former President is only showing signs of a confused man under the compulsion of his wife.

“With due respect, I believe that the founder (Rawlings) is a bit confused” the editor of the Dispatch Newspaper said adding that “clearly you can see that the former first lady is threatening him…this is what we have picked up”.

Source: radioxyzonline