
Constitution Review Forum In Italy

Sat, 20 Nov 2010 Source: kirk-mensah cognai

National Forum on Ghana’s Constitution Review

Hotel AC at Creazzo di Vicenza, on SS11 Road

Sunday 5th December 2010. Time 13.00 – 18.00hrs

COGNAI in Collaboration with the Ghana Embassy in Rome and Flanked by the Constitution Review Commission of Ghana (CRC) are organizing a national conference to discuss the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

During the Forum the Discussions which will be coordinated and Directed by the CRC delegation from Ghana, shall focus on;

1. Summary evaluations on the 1992 Constitution’s Performance with regards to Some Key chapters.

2. A Map out of the Constitutions’ lacunes and/or incompleteness. Those Topics that have been subjected to massive Criticisms.

3. Presentations from Representatives of the Various regions, Provinces and Groups that have held debates/fora on the Constitution Review (Vicenza, Brescia, VALCO, etc)

4. Contributions from the General Public on the areas of review identified by the Commission.

5. A little Comparative analysis with the Italian Constitution.

6. Conclusive Remarks from the Head of Ghana Mission.

This is one of the opportunities for the Ghanaian Diaspora in Italy to Contribute towards our Nation Building. Come and make your views and proposals that can determine the positive growth of Our Motherland.

Come one come all!

The Gen. Secretary – Gilbert Abasimi

Source: kirk-mensah cognai