
Contents of cocaine tape crucial to national interest

Sun, 13 Aug 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 13, GNA - A security expert at the weekend lauded the purported recording of a senior Police officer in the cocaine saga, without his knowledge as an issue of crucial national interest. Ms Afi Yakubu, Associate Executive Director of the Foundation for Security and Development in Africa told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the content of the tape was implicating and the focus should be on whether the content was criminal or may lead to criminal charges.

"The tape conversation, which portrayed an seeming connivance of an officer and some suspected drug barons in their narcotic business, is of critical importance.

" If the officer involved was not aware that he was being recorded then it is an eye opener," adding that, it would facilitate government efforts to deal with corruption at high places," she stressed

Ms. Yakubu, however, said unless the officer was play acting, then the tape recording had revealed underhand dealing in the security agencies, which was likely to undermine public confidence in them. She asked the security agencies not to allow complacency to override their reasoning and commitment to duty since they are custodians of national security.

She said national security was of paramount interest to Ghanaians.

Source: GNA
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