
Coronavirus: AMA begins routine disinfection of markets, transport terminals, open spaces in Accra

AMA Disinf1 An official carrying out the exercise in one of the stations

Thu, 9 Jul 2020 Source: Accra Metropolitan Assembly

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) as part of efforts to curb the spread of coronavirus (COVID -19) in the city on Tuesday resumed its routine disinfection of markets, transport terminals as well as other public places.

The disinfection exercise is being carried out by the Metro Environmental Health Department with support from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Areas disinfected include the Kaneshie Transport Terminal, Neoplan Station, Metro Mass Transport Terminal at Kaneshie, Agbobgloshie Transport Terminal, Accra - Bimbila - Wulensi - Nakpayili Transport Terminal, London Market, as well as the Avenor Slaughter Slab.

Mayor of Accra, Mohammed Adjei Sowah, in an interview prior to the disinfection exercise said this would be undertaken periodically adding that the chlorine solution used had no side effects.

"Information available indicates that a vaccine could be ready next year so it appears that we have to live with the virus for the rest of 2020. What it means is that all the protocols must be activated and complied with at all possible times, and one of the key among them is the continuous disinfection of open spaces, as well as public buildings...We are conscious of the fact that Accra remains the epicentre of the COVID-19 in Ghana so the concentration of efforts towards the fight will go a long way to curb its spread," he said.

He admonished all Ghanaians to adhere to the precautionary measures by washing and sanitizing their hands continuously with soap under running water, wearing a face mask, observing social distancing, covering their mouth and nose when sneezing, as well as endeavour to stay safe by staying at home.

"It is obvious the virus doesn't know boundaries, doesn't discriminate and attack anybody irrespective of your political, social or economic background.

“Lately, I see most people wearing the mask but had pulled them under their noses or completely off their faces to rest under their chins. This is unacceptable and we must all put a stop to it," he said.

Other public places expected to be disinfected include the Old Fadama Yam Market, Tuesday Market, Afo market, as well as the Korle-bu, Chemuenaa Last Stop, Banana Inn Last Stop and Korle-Gonno transport terminals.

Source: Accra Metropolitan Assembly
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