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Coronavirus: 'Have no fears, the hand of God is upon you' – Agyinasare to Ghanaians

AGYINASARE J Bishop Charles Agyinasare of Perez Chapel International

Mon, 16 Mar 2020 Source:

Bishop Charles Agyinasare has urged Ghanaians not to entertain the spirit of fear despite the entry into Ghana of the coronavirus.

Ghana has confirmed six cases so far.

So far, 162,651 cases have been recorded globally with 6,069 deaths. 76,219 of the cases have recovered fully.

Quoting Psalm 91: 4: ‘He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His wings shall thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler’, Bishop Agyinasare told the congregation of Perez Chapel International on Sunday, 15 March 2020: “You want to use the word of God as your shield; you want to defend yourself with the word of God”, adding: “If the devil brings a thought to you that coronavirus is going to attack you, you’d want to use the word of God and say no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and any tongue that shall come against me, I condemn”.

“This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, sayeth the Lord. His word will be your shield and your buckler. Listen; if there were any time when you stood on the word of God, this is the time, stand on the promises of the word. He says that there are more with you than those against you, you stand on the promises of the word of God. I said you will overcome”.

The founder of Perez Chapel International then encouraged the congregation thus: “Don’t be afraid. When you sleep, sleep. I said when you sleep, sleep”.

“The songwriter said: ‘Me da, na ma da; Onyame nsa wo me su’ – to wit: ‘I sleep like a rock because the hand of the Lord is upon me’. … When I sleep, I sleep because God’s hand is upon m. Because he has cooled my heart or calmed my heart and He has taken me out of my pain and, so, I can sleep because his hand is upon me. When you sleep, sleep. I said when you sleep, sleep. The Scripture says: ‘He gives he beloved sleep’. May your sleep be sweet”.
