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Coup attempt in ARS

Fri, 6 Sep 2002 Source: Ghanaian Times

There is tension in the Apostles Revelation Society (ARS) Church following moves by a group to remove its leader, Apostle I.K. Amegah. Two factions, one supporting Apostle Amegah and another against his leadership, are locked up in a struggled for power.

It appeared for a while that those against Apostle Amegah had their way. He was forced to resign his post as chairman and leader, but his supporters at the headquarters, New Tadzewu, quickly marshalled themselves to prevent the take-over. Such was the struggle that the police had to intervene.

A letter dated 23 August, 2002 and signed by 13 Apostles of the church, informed Apostle Amegah of his removal from office. The signatories are Apostle A.N. Tehn-Addy, C.K.M. Dovlo, L.K. Nutsuako, P.W.D. Nutornutsi, O.K. Gbeku and M. Akunor.

The rest are Apostle C.K. Attipoe, J.G. Fummey, I.K. Axolu, R.K. Zemegba, C.M.Gbeku, R.K. Apenyo and F.S. Kuadey. With the heading, "Removal form Office" the letter said, "One account of your demonstrated intransigence and conduct unbecoming of your high office as chairman of the Colleges of Apostles and leader of the ARS, you are removal from office".

It said the attitude of Apostle Amegah had resulted in a drawback to the church's development. The chairman and leader was asked to hand over the church's property in his possession to the administrator by 31 and proceed on indefinite leave. Apostle Amegah's car, GR 588 R, is said to have been taken away from him and sent to Accra. But his supporters blocked his ejection form his official residence.

Speaking to the "Times" on the matter, Apostle Amegah, 82, said he has decided to resign to bring peace and tranquillity in the church. He explained that he did not want the church to disintegrate over his head, hence his decision. Apostle Amegah confirmed that attempts were made to eject him from his official residence but he stated that nobody could eject him.

In that move, however, the police were called to maintain law and order. Investigations also proved that on 5 February 1999, when the Founder and Leader of the ARS, the late Rev Prophet C.K.N. Wovenu, saw that his health was failing, he decided that Apostle Amegah, who was then head of the Dzodze branch of the church, should lead the church and look after his household.

So by a letter dated 19 February, 1999, the founder had him transferred to the headquarters, New Tadzewu, to assume his new role. The founder did not make him the head of the church since according to him, was to be chosen by God. The late Wovenu, who established the church in November 1939, died in London in March 1999.

When contacted, the Dzodze District Police Commander, ASP Augustine Toryiya, said he had reports of unrest at the headquarters so he quickly sent a contingent of policemen there. However, he said the place was cool so he had withdrawn them.

Source: Ghanaian Times