
Court bonds electrician for two years

Fri, 15 Jul 2005 Source: GNA

Mankranso (Ash), July 15, GNA - The Mankranso Magistrate Court on Tuesday bonded a 36-year-old electrician, who appeared before it on a charge of threat, to be of good behaviour for two years.

Stephen Amponsah, who pleaded guilty to the charge, will pay a five-million-cedi or serve 12 months in prison, if he broke the bond. He was alleged to have threatened to kill Nana Bosompem Frimpong at Kunsu in the Ahafo-Ano South District of Ashanti.

Prosecuting, Police Detective Chief Inspector George Nyansu told the court presided over by Mr Frank Owusu-Afriyie that, early last month, Nana Frimpong, the complainant, engaged the accused to connect power to his house.

He said Amponsah therefore, collected 300,000 cedis for the purchase of the electrical gadgets for the work. Chief Inspector Nyansu said on June 16, this year, the accused went to the complainant's house to demand the money for his workmanship but did not meet him.

He said this infuriated Amponsah, who left threat message for him, saying, "I will show you something", "You will die within one week, wait and see" among others.

The prosecution said the complainant got the threat message on his return from the accused and he became frightened and therefore made a report to the Mankranso police, who arrested Amponsah and after interrogation charged him.

Source: GNA