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Court dismisses injunction against Law School exam

Ghana Law School1 File Photo

Thu, 13 Jul 2017 Source:

A Human Rights division of the High Court has thrown out an application by a group of Law Degree Graduates praying the court to stop the General Legal Council from going ahead with the conduct of an entrance exams and interviews for potential law students seeking admission into the Ghana School of Law.

The group, Concerned LLB Graduates filed for an injunction to halt the upcoming entrance exams for potential students of the Ghana School of Law.

The group earlier called on the GLC to facilitate automatic admission into the Law School by scrapping this years exams set for Friday, July 14, 2017.

The position of the LLB Graduates, follows the Supreme Court ruling declaring the entrance examination and subsequent interview by the Ghana School of law as unconstitutional.

They were of the view that the impending exams will amount to an illegality after the Supreme court’s judgment on the matter.

The Concerned LLB Graduates group in its writ prayed the court to declare that “the admission criteria imposed by the Council in terms of an entrance examination and an interview for admission into the Ghana School of Law since 2015 contravene the provisions of Act 32 and L.I. 1296.”

The group had also wanted an order from the court to compel the Council allow automatic admission into the Ghana School of Law since to it the policy infringes on the fundamental human rights of students.

“A further declaration that plaintiffs and persons with the requisite qualification in terms of law (i.e. Act 32 and L.I. 1296) automatically qualify for admission into the Ghana School of Law. An order of court setting aside the unlawful criteria complained off as illegal and unconstitutional and an infringement upon the plaintiff’s fundamental human rights enshrined in the 199 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.”
