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Court issues bench warrant for arrest of 45-year-old-trader who defrauded colleague of GH¢48,000

96125407 File photo: Court issues bench warrant for the arrest of 45-year-old Barikisu Suale

Fri, 23 Jun 2023 Source:

An Accra Circuit Court has issued a bench warrant for the arrest of a 45-year-old trader, for allegedly defrauding a businesswoman, in the sum of GH¢48,000.00.

This was contained in a newspaper report by the Chronicles Newspaper, dated June 23, 2023.

The suspect, whose name is given in the report as Barikisu Suale, failed to attend court when the case was called last week, hence the issuance of the warrant.

The court, presided over by His Honour Samuel Bright Acquah, was told that the accused allegedly defrauded the businesswoman, whose name is also given as Agnes Tuffuor somewhere in 2021, with a promise that she would supply 300 pieces of cloth from Nigeria if given GH¢48,000.00.

Barikisu, according to the report, made the promise on the premise that the cloth would be supplied within a span of two weeks.

The complainant was convinced and paid the sum amount to the accused the next day. However, after receiving payment, the accused failed to supply the goods after the stated two weeks and began playing 'hide and seek' with the complainant.

The complainant became concerned and reported the incident to the police for investigation on April 10, 2023.

On April 18, 2023, the accused was arrested and admitted the offence in her cautioned statement.

The accused, Barikisu Suale, told police that after collecting the money, she gave it to her agent in Lagos, one Osman, to supply the cloth, but while bringing the cloth, they fell in water.

The accused promised to refund the money to the complainant but did not follow through. According to the evidence presented in court, the accused used the complainant's money to resolve personal issues.

Following an investigation, the accused was charged and arraigned in court.

The case was postponed until July 10, 2023.

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