
Cows have been invading our school premises - Korle Gonno R/C Boys School head

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Sat, 16 Dec 2023 Source:

Madam Josephine Effe Yawson, the headmistress for Korle Gonno R/C Boys School, has expressed concerns about the breach of security in her institution that is affecting her students.

According to her, smokers, goats, and cows often enter the classrooms while teaching is ongoing because there is no fence or wall surrounding the school.

She thus called on the Ghana Education Service to do something about the situation when One Family Connect donated some learning and other stationary materials to the school to help the learners improve their academic performance.

“I receive these items with all my heart because buying books is even a problem for most of our students. So I thank God if One Family Connect has decided to help this school, and I thank them also.”

“My challenge is that our walls are down, so the children go out anytime, and people often invade our space when teaching is ongoing. Cows even invade our space because the outlets to use to enter the school are many now, and we need help to curb this situation.

The GES should also help address this problem for us,” she said on Rainbow Radio Accra.

The CEO of One Family Connect, Beatrice Ohene Agyei, also advised the students to take their education seriously and assimilate it as part of their culture.

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