
Criticise me decently – Mahama

Mahama @ G8 Talk

Mon, 16 Sep 2013 Source: XYZ

President John Mahama says his critics must be decent and decorous in pointing out his foibles.

“…Nobody says don’t criticize, but criticise politely and civilly,” President Mahama said at a thanksgiving service at the Cedar Mountain Chapel in Accra on Sunday.

He said: “Indeed you win a person over when you criticise him in a way that makes the criticism easy to take…”

According to him, “if you wanna criticise the President, do so, I don’t say don’t criticise, but it makes it easier for the president to inject your criticism if you don’t say the president is ‘aboa’ or ‘kwasea’” – to wit, a ‘fool’.

Mr. Mahama said the media must help the country go forward rather than encourage the use of insults and abusive language on the airwaves.

“The media must help society go forward, not make society go back,” he added.

Source: XYZ