
Crusade against indiscipline should not focus on youth alone

Wed, 3 Sep 2003 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Sept 3, GNA - A Reverend Minister has advised governmental and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) engaged in the crusade against indiscipline not to focus their campaign solely on the youth but broaden it to include adults too.

The Reverend Joseph Gyimah, Leader of the True Light of Christ Church, who gave the advice, said since indiscipline was a phenomenon associated with all age groups, limiting the campaign to only the youth, will not achieve the desired impact.

He was speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Kumasi on Tuesday on the role of the church in ensuring the success of the crusade against indiscipline.

"Indiscipline is not limited to a specific or selected age group nor does it have any barriers, but rather, it cuts across all segments of society and age groups", he stressed.

Rev Gyimah observed that adults are as guilty as the youth as far as attitude and appearance were concerned and should, therefore, be equally educated to uphold good morals.

"Apart from being influenced by the bad conduct of their peers, the youth also adopt the indecent lifestyles of the older generation and the filthy language used by some adults", he noted.

Rev Gyimah said the use of pulpits alone to preach against immorality and indiscipline was not enough.

"The time has come for churches to go beyond that and also use the various fellowships and youth groups in the church as platforms to educate their congregation on good morals."

He said for churches to make any meaningful impact in the area of good morals and conduct, it was imperative for them to avoid ad hoc approaches to the issue of discipline and rather make education on it a permanent feature on all their programmes.

Source: GNA