
DCE warns residents demanding for his resignation over murder of Sogakope Assemblyman

Emmanuel Luis Agamah.jpeg District Chief Executive (DCE) for South Tongu, Emmanuel Luis Agamah (m)

Sat, 14 Mar 2020 Source: Peter Atsu Ahianyo, Contributor

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for South Tongu, Emmanuel Luis Agamah has finally reacted to calls on him to resign due to his alleged inaction following the murder of Sogakope South Assemblyman, Mawutor Adzahli.

In a press conference which was held earlier, the DCE accused Maxwell Lukutor, an opinion leader who started the calls for his resignation of deceiving the public and inciting the residents against him.

Mr. Agamah also warned the residents to stop following and listening to lies propagated by Maxwell Lukutor whom he (the DCE) said is bent on settling personal scores with him.

He also said he sees no reason to resign from office or be removed after recounting all the recorded atrocities in Lukutor’s “backyard” since 1995.

‘Since 1995 to the year 2000, in his own backyard, Tefle Traditional Area, where he [Lukutor] comes from, atrocities were carried out on innocent citizens of the area. Over eight persons were murdered in cold blood. Did he [Lukutor] call on the then DCE, who was the DISEC chairman to resign?', Hon. Agamah asked.

Emmanuel Luis Agamah also added that Maxwell Lukutor lied to the general public about the response of the District Security Committee on hearing some five murder cases in the district, including that of Hon. Marcus Mawutor Adzhali.

“The calls for me as DCE and chairman of the DISEC to resign is an afterthought. It does not correlate to my actions or inaction in the death of Hon. Marcus Mawutor Adzhali. It is politically motivated and I could sense a personal vendetta on the call for me to resign”, he said.

On the recent murder of Hon. Marcus Mawutor Adzhali, the DCE detailed his immediate response on hearing the incident. This he used as proof of why he should not be asked to resign.

He also revealed that the district authorities have proposed to bear the hospital cost of those who were hit with stray bullets during the violent demonstration that rocked the Sogakope township weeks ago.

Hon. Emmanuel Luis Agamah was quick to add that he believes that Maxwell Lukutor is doing anything to make him look incompetent in the eyes of the public, therefore he warned residents to be cautious of him and his lies.

However, the DCE ended his press conference by saying progress is being made to bring the perpetrators to book by the security agencies.

He then called on the residents to give the police administration the necessary support to apprehend the perpetrators.

Source: Peter Atsu Ahianyo, Contributor