
Daily Graphic

Wed, 16 Jun 1999 Source: --

GNAT to opt out of SSNIT

The paper reports its front-page that the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) is considering a withdrawal from the National Social Security pension Scheme, to run a new scheme for it?s members.

According to the paper, a consultant has already been engaged by GNAT by the GNAT to look into the administration of the SSNIT pension Scheme and come out with recommendations for its improvement for the benefit of workers.

If the SSNIT fails to respond positively to the recommendations that the consultant may make the GNAT proposes to go ahead with its plan to run it?s own pension scheme, the paper said.

Mr. Kusi Atansah, head of Organisation and Administration at the GNAT headquarters explained during a meeting of teachers representatives in Sunyani, that the SNITT pension scheme has a lot of loopholes and teachers cannot continue to be part of it.

"GNAT has the ability to run a pension scheme that would make retiring teachers better of than the SNITT pension scheme, the paper quoted Mr. Atansah.

VAT Secretariat collects ? 55 billion monthly


In another front-page story, the Graphic states that the Value Added Tax (VAT) Secretariat has been collecting an average of ?55 billion a month since the introduction of the VAT in January this year, a deputy Minister Finance, Mr Victor Selormey is said to have told Parliament.

Answering a question in the Parliament yesterday , the deputy minister said 4,294 business enterprises failed to file their returns as at February and have been issued with penalty notices.

The paper says out of the number, 388 enterprises have petitioned the VAT secretariat for redress.

Whilst the majority of the petitions against the imposition of the penalty were found to have no merit, a number of them were upheld for reasons ranging from verified claims of non-receipt of return forms and VAT registration certificate among others, the paper said.

According to the report, Mr. Selormey who was in the House to answer questions on behalf of the substantive Minister, Mr Preprah, who is indisposed, stated that a total of ?44.5 million was received from payment of penalties imposed for late submission of February returns as at June 3.


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