
Defence Minister to answer urgent questions over military clash with La residents

Dominic Ntiwul1 Dominic Nitiwul, Minister of Defense

Sat, 17 Apr 2021 Source:

The Member of Parliament for La Dadekotopon Constituency, Rita Odoley Sowah, has filed an urgent question in Parliament, seeking to compel the Minister of Defense, Dominic Nitiwul, to explain the clash between the military and La residents last Thursday.

The bloody clash on Thursday morning left some residents and journalists bruised as soldiers used “reasonable force” to stop a supposed demonstration.

Ms Odoley Sowah wants the Minister of Defence not only to explain the events on Thursday but to also explain why the military is forcefully grabbing lands owned by the La Traditional Council.

The Ghana Armed Forces have since explained the events and apologised to “innocent” citizens and journalists attacked in the process.

According to a statement issued by Colonel Emmanuel Aggrey-Quashie, GAF received intelligence about some demonstrators moving towards Burma Camp.

“A reconnaissance team was dispatched to confirm the report but they could not determine the intentions of the demonstrators.

“On seeing the soldiers, the demonstrators who had no police permit to demonstrate became violent. The reconnaissance team called for reinforcement which came to stop the violent youth from causing any damage to military installations.

“It is worthy to note that the general area where the demonstration was taking place, houses vital military installations of national security nature. The implications of any destruction in the area cannot be overemphasized.

“In order to restrain the demonstrators, a reasonable force had to be applied to remove them. Thus, in the process some of the demonstrators/persons got injured. It later came to light that some of the injured persons were journalists who were there to cover the event.”

GAF apologised to the journalists and all persons affected by the efforts to stop the demonstrators.
