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Detained, released without charge: How police 'handled' woman who insulted Akufo-Addo on TikTok

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Thu, 17 Nov 2022 Source:

It started with a viral TikTok video in which a woman was sighted raining abuse at the president, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, citing the recent high cost of living.

That woman, GhanaWeb later confirmed was called Salamatu Mohammed, a 40-year-old, mother of four.

Detention at Police HQ

She was picked up on Wednesday, November 16, by the police after her video went viral. It is not known who had reported her or on what basis the police picked her up.

After her arrest, she was sent to the Police Headquarters in Accra from where her family and lawyer accessed her.

Release without charge

Gideon Koku Abotsi, Salamatu's lawyer who secured her release from the police told GhanaWeb in an exclusive interview that his client was not charged with any crime by the police.

He confirmed that the police arrested Salamatu Mohammed because of the viral video and that they (the police) said they will be investigating the matter further.

“We managed to secure a bail for her (Salamatu Mohammed). She was not charged with any crime (but) the police will continue the investigation,” he told GhanaWeb.

Family express concerns

A family member earlier on Wednesday also confirmed that there was no charge by the officers who arrested Salamatu, a mother of four who stays at Nyamekye Ward in the Ablekuma North Constituency.

The unnamed relative told GhanaWeb that the police "have also not told her family of the crime she is accused of.

“We are waiting on our lawyer. We have not heard anything from them (the police)," she said.

What Salamatu said:

In the said viral video, which was sighted by GhanaWeb, Salamatu is heard berating the president for the current economic conditions in the country.

"Akufo-Addo, we are begging you in the name of God; we cannot even afford pots to cook our food. Do you want us to use your head to cook?

"Now the price of an aluminium cooking pot has increased from 6 million (GHC600) to 12 million (GHC1200). Why?

"God will punish you. Can't you kill this man, Ghanaian witches and northern ritualists? I have four children; do you know the feeding fees I pay? Do you know the feeding fee, I am going to pay today... Idiot," she said in Twi.

Watch the video below:


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