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‘Discredited’ Asiedu Nketia must stop attacking Bawumia – Edmund Kyei

Edward Kyei2 Edward kyei, Member, NPP

Fri, 3 Feb 2017 Source:

Edmund Kyei, member of the New Patriotic Party communications team has lashed out at Johnson Asiedu Nketia, describing him as a “crook” and “discredited” politician.

Speaking in a telephone interview with, Edmund Kyei stressed that the NDC’s General Secretary’s recent attacks on Dr Mahamudu Bawumia are absolute “nonsense”.

Johnson Asiedu Nketia is reported to have said the vice president was suffering from ‘political hangover’.

According to the NDC chief scribe, Dr Bawumia has forgotten he is now Ghana’s vice president, and therefore, must refrain from vile political propaganda against former President Mahama and the NDC.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia earlier this week revealed that an amount of GHC7 billion could not be accounted for in the documents handed to the NPP government during the period of transition.

He added that details of the amount were only uncovered as the NPP began compiling data for the 2017 budget statement.

According to him, the GHC7 billion arrears covered a period of 2014-2016, the period when negotiations of the current Extended Credit Facility Program with the IMF began.

But, Mr Kyei in a telephone interview with said Asiedu Nketia lacks the moral right to query Dr Bawumia’s integrity.

“It is pathetic to listen to a nonentity like Asiedu Nketia to attempt to discredit Dr Bawumia. The vice president is an illustrious son of the land and distinguished himself throughout his professional career. If we were looking for someone suffering from political hangover in this country then it must be Asiedu Nketia,” Mr Kyei opined.

He continued that the NDC lost last December elections due to the arrogance of party leaders like Asiedu Nketia.

It was in this direction that Mr Kyei stressed that the NPP administration would continue to expose the rot and the crass corruption that existed in the erstwhile NDC government.

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