
Dispatch editor denies story

Sun, 8 Jan 2006 Source: joy Online

Posted: Jan 08 2006

The Editor- in Chief of the Dispatch newspaper, Ben Ephson has debunked statements attributed to him by NDC?s first deputy general secretary, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah suggesting that a new political party will spring up from the party?s breakaway group.

Mr. Afriyie Ankrah had been asserting on JOY FM?s current affairs programme, News File that three months ago Ben Ephson predicted a situation where a break away group from the NDC would form a party to contest the polls of 2008.

However, Mr. Ephson said even though he made statements to the effect that a new political party would be formed in the first quarter of this year; it was not in reference to the opposition NDC.

He told JOYNEWS that Mr. Afriyie Ankrah got it all wrong.

?I had said few months ago that a new party will come in the first quarter of 2006. Infact it was in reference to the Nkrumahist tradition.

?When they were having the last phase of their negotiations between CPP and PNC and as you can see in the Dispatch, the stories we carried concerning the new political parties were that of Dr. Duffuor?s group, Dr. Nduom and Prof. Akosa, and all the three are in the Nkrumahist line so that assertion is simply not true?, he said. .

Source: joy Online