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Don’t sell your soul to the detriment of the nation - Fifi Kwetey

27031112 General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Fifi Fiavi Kwetey

Tue, 11 Jul 2023 Source:

The General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Fifi Fiavi Kwetey has sent a conscience-quickening message to all Ghanaians with a focus on the political ruling class as he bemoaned the glaring depravity of the NPP.

At the just-ended Thanksgiving rally at Assin North, he admonished well-meaning Ghanaians not to sell their conscience during elections for peanuts from politicians who take them for a ride – abandon them and return only during elections with handouts.

His thought-provoking speech was directed at the doorsteps of the political leaders and state agencies that play a part in governance. He averred that the government cannot misgovern the people, plunge such a beautiful and hitherto promising country like Ghana into an unprecedented economic and moral mess and expect the people not to revolt with their thumb.

He affirmed, “The just ended by-election has taught everyone that dedication and love for country must at all times be paramount over and above our personal and parochial interests. You cannot plunge the people into deepened hardship and create so much pain for our citizens only to show up during elections with money, shady developmental projects and expect that the electorate will fall for such and give you the mandate.”

He continued, “We must not sell our soul and let the nation go down. I believe this message is timely and relevant for all of us particularly the Electoral Commission, the Judiciary, the governing NPP, the media, the security services, every electorate in Ghana and more importantly we in the NDC.

Fifi Kwetey also seized the opportunity to thank, God and the good people of Assin North for giving the NDC and their candidate the opportunity to represent them in parliament.

He reiterated the party’s commitment to serve their best interest and by extension Ghana - rebuilding Ghana to a sound and viable economic status that will make us prosper.

Also in attendance at the rally was the party's flagbearer HE John Mahama, party chairman Johnson Aseidu Nketia, Minority leader Cassiel Ato Forson, executives of the party and members of parliament.
