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Don’t choose courses with limited jobs – Mahama to students

Mahama Students1 President John Dramani Mahama

Wed, 9 Nov 2016 Source:

President John Mahama has advised students to choose courses that have abundant job opportunities when pursuing higher education.

“Most of the sectors have gotten to saturation levels, especially the Humanities. We need proper guidance and counselling when our kids are going to school so that they can choose courses that will guarantee them jobs because your chances of getting jobs are very few for some courses,” he admonished.”

President Mahama who was speaking in an interview with Garden City Radio in the Ashanti Region on Tuesday, November 8, as part of his tour explained that “getting jobs for certain courses after school is tough”.

Using himself as an example, he indicated that he studied History, meaning “most likely I might have gone to teach”.

He said he decided to pursue an additional course so he decided to do a post-graduate programme in Communication Studies.

“It is the Communication Studies that has made me the person I am now,” he confessed.

He was of the view that the requirements of the job market have shifted from the days when Humanities were in high demand. He pointed out that engineers, technicians and vocational professionals are in demand now but “most of our kids do not want to do those science and engineering-based courses and everyone wants Humanities rather”.

“We have to look at the development of the technical-based courses, that is why we have introduced the technical universities,” Mr Mahama added.
