
Don't! or Else

Thu, 22 Mar 2001 Source: --

The Chronicle says its investigation has revealed that the donor community may cut of support for the conservation of Wildlife in Ghana if the Forestry Commission goes ahead with its ambitious plan to merge the Forestry and Wildlife divisions by March next year.

Donor representatives who spoke to the Chronicle said they were against the merger of the two divisions and warned that the move by the Forestry Commission could spell disaster for the conservation of Wildlife in the country.

Most of the donors threatened to withdraw support if the Forestry Commission went ahead with the merger because their support is directed towards conservation and Forestry Division is profit making division. They are of the view that it would look impossible for them to benefit from such facilities under the proposed merger.

"If the two divisions merge, they will become one division with profit motives and since our support is for only conservation purposes we will find it very difficult, if not impossible to support them," a source at one of the donor agencies said.

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