Samia Nkrumah has said parliament must not pass the Plant Breeders Bill into law
Samia Nkrumah has said parliament must not pass the Plant Breeders Bill into law.
The Plant Breeders Bill, which was put before Parliament in 2013, went through the first and second consideration stages but was put on hold at the third stage when pressure group, Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG), raised alarm that its passage would lead to the imposition of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the food chain in Ghana.
The FSG had argued that the introduction of GMOs would lead to commercial exploit of the poor farmers and, therefore, urged Parliament to defer debate on the bill to allow public consultations to be undertaken prior to the introduction of GMOs in Ghana.
Ms Nkrumah, a former chairperson of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), which is also against passage of the bill, said: “We must have an agricultural revolution. We choose organic farming. Small-holder farmers must come together in cooperatives. Organic farming will enhance biodiversity, and protect our health.”
She said: “We don't want to depend on expensive imported pesticides. We don't need foreign-imposed GMO technology. There's no consensus by scientists worldwide that it's safe. Many scientifically-advanced countries have abandoned GMOs.
“We are for revolutionary technology that will enable us to continue to save and re-use our seeds at the next planting season rather than destroy our traditional breeding systems. Say Yes to Organic Farming and No to GMOs,” she said on Facebook.