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Don’t seek re-election if you can’t find jobs for youth – Ken to NPP executives

Kennedy Agyapong 22 Maverick politician and financier of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ken Agyapong

Sun, 2 Jul 2017 Source:

Maverick politician and financier of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) Ken Agyapong has warned National Executives of the party not to waste their time and resources to seek re-election during the NPP’s impending congress, if they can’t facilitate jobs for the party’s teeming unemployed youth.

According to him, the executives must compel those who have positions in government to offer jobs to the party’s youth who worked tirelessly to bring the NPP to power, adding that those in authority must not be allowed to enjoy whatever privileges they have now alone, while the jobless youth suffer.

The firebrand politician who’s also Member of Parliament for Assin Central is not happy with what he describes as the selfishness of some leading NPP members who have formed 800 companies to do business with the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) Limited, while others are scrambling for contracts in other sectors.

Hon. Ken Agyapong who is remembered for waging a campaign against the re-election of then NPP General Secretary, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie aka Sir John which eventually saw the latter losing his position at the party’s congress in 2014, has warned the current national executives of the same fate if they remain quiet over certain acts he believes will work against the Akufo Addo presidency.

“They go and arrest cars belonging to the state and they take monies from those who are in the possession of the cars and leave them to go free. They’re doing all manner of things at the port which will destroy the NPP and we’re all quiet. National executives, I’m warning you if you don’t speak up, then nobody should seek re-election. This is the condition we should give our national executives to ensure that those in authority help our party youth to get jobs and do businesses. If it remains one sided, then take if from me, none of the executives will retain their position.

“We want people who will stand for the party and challenge the executive that what is going on will destroy the party. Nobody should keep quiet, so soon everybody have started agitating. It won’t work, I’ll talk…I’m ready to die for Ghana and NPP,” Hon. Agyapong fumed.
