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Don't take advantage of Christmas to fornicate, drink, engage in ungodly things

10146293 Founder and leader of LGCCI, Archbishop Prince Harry Hampel

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 Source: Nana Peprah, Contributor

The founder and leader of Liberty Global Christian Church International, Archbishop Prince Harry Hampel has strongly urged Christians and non-Christians who have delight in the Christmas celebration to celebrate the upcoming Christmas with decorum.

According to him, Christmas which is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ is meant for repentance and not any other thing contrary.

Speaking in an exclusive interview, the Archbishop who is also President of Ministers Manna International Network, International Believers Gathering (IBG) Conference and many other organizations said, it was very worrying how some people take advantage of the Christmas festivities to do ungodly things that go contrary to the purpose of its celebration.

He urged that Christmas was not meant for fornication, drunkenness, murder and other evil deeds.

"Christmas is good, and it is time for blessings. It doesn't call for people to do things that go contrary to God's will. Don't take advantage of Christmas to do ungodly things. If you're planning to drink alcohol, fornicate or do any evil, desist. Put those things aside and allow God to bless you. Never be influenced under any pressure or material events to do things that will bring a curse upon your life. Strongly believe that God will supply your needs. Don't depend on dollar, pounds sterling or any other material things."

The author of many Christian works of literature continued that, Jesus's birthday should devoid of violence, infidelity, murder, and any other evil since God is a faithful God whose orders are not supposed to be downplayed.

Source: Nana Peprah, Contributor