
Donation Made To Kibi School For The Deaf At Kibi

Sat, 30 Jan 2010 Source: --

The best thing to make the world happy is to care for the poor. Donation presented to the Kibi School of the Deaf on 22nd January 2010 was a step to make the deaf happy and important to Ghana. The main purpose of this donation was to help the school children to have access to internet and open up contacts with other disable schools around the world. This donation was designed to provide the disable children some recreational activities that may also develop their individual talents. Furthermore, this donation was purposed to equip the disable children some vocational skills so that, after school, they can engage in some economic activities that would better their living. The main items for the donation included: Computers, Lap Tops, Photo copy Machine, Printers, Sewing Machines, Carpentry Tools, Sports equipments, Digital Camera etc.

Thanks be to …. To help the needy in Ghana Mr. Mark Kofi Asomoah in collaboration with Mrs Zühlke of Humboldt Gymnasium Potsdam organized a fund raising ceremony and got an amount of 5,000 Euros from Ein Herz für Kinder - Bild hilft e.V the donated items were purchased and handed over to Mr. Asamoah for presentation to the Kibi School for the Deaf in Ghana.

People who were present at the ceremony Some well know people in Ghana were present at the donation ceremony at Kibi. These were the Municipal Chief Executive of Kibi (Mr. Siman Peter Asirifi), the Paramount Chief of Kibi and his elders (He was the chairman for the occation and speech read on his behalf by the Gyase hene, Nana Barima Darko Ampem), The Municipal Information Officer (Mr. Appiah), the Municipal Finance and Administrator (Mr. Ernest Amponsah), the Head Master of State Junior High School of Kibi (Mr. Emmanuel Ntim, he was the Charplain for the occation), Mr. MarK Kofi Asamoah ( Special Guest of Honor, assisted by Mr. Christian Darkwahene Oware , Osei Korankye of Legon School of Performing Arts -University of Ghana and Mr. Sam Boadu), Mr. Jordan Aghona (the Headmaster of Kibi School of the Deaf), the teachers and most importantly the school children.

Comment from various important dignitaries: The Paramount Chief (Okyehene) – Eastern Region of Ghana…….. Gyasehene, Nana Barima Darko Ampem, read a speech on behalf of the Okyene. He publicly indicated that “this donation show that, Ghana have some important people overseas who have love for the people of Ghana. Caring for the needy such as the children who are deaf in Kibi would call for blessing to the donors. What Mr. Mark Kofi Asamoah has done is a path that he has laid for other Ghanaian overseas to follow. This good thing would be in the mind of Okyehene and the elders of the town; you must know that, this donation is not for the teachers but for the children, we will tell everybody about this donation, thank you Asamoah” The Municipal Chief Executive ….. ….I am very impressed today about this donation. I hereby advise the teachers to put this items in good use so that, the purpose of which this donation has been given would be achieved. Let us all hold the spirit of helping our handicap children…….. The Headmaster of Kibi School of the Deaf …. ….our school is handicap and the students are also handicap, who would help the other. This donation has come to an opportune period, my self and the entire management of the Kibi School of the Deaf would install this items and put them is good use, we are very grateful to the donors.

Teachers of the Kibi School of the Deaf… Mr. Emmanuel Asante Appiah is a professionally trained and also a graduate from University of Education – Winneba Ghana. He has taught the children for about 4 years. He commented that ...many people say the hearing impede children are not tolerance, but my experience is that, the children are very tolerance and brilliant, but the only problem is lack of communication. The government must train more teachers so that the hearing society can communicate meaningfully to the hearing impede children…..

Students of Kibi School of the Deaf …. I interviewed 11 students who were deaf (5 boys and 6 girls). The question was ‘what do you want to be in future?’ 3 students want to be nurses, 1 student want to be a preacher, 1 student want to be a teacher, 2 students want to open their own business and 3 students want to be footballers in future. Every student wished to be interview but less time.

Comment from special guest of honor (Mr. Mark Kofi Asamoah) ….You must make good use of this items, the children have brighter future, they are very excited to see this donation, you should install the items today for the children, do not keep the items in store rooms, the future of the children depend on what you do today….

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