
E.T. Mensah Must Apologise To Gas -Commey

Sun, 4 Apr 2004 Source: .

The National Organiser of the ruling Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Lord Commey, has prevailed upon the Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Mr. Enoch Teye Mensah to render unqualified apology to the nation and more especially, the Gas if indeed, he did say that Gas in the NPP were fools.

He said it was unfortunate than in this democratic system, leading political figures whose speeches would be disseminated or echoed by the media, tried to pay up tribal and ethnic sentiments with loose statement.

The organiser who said he was reluctant to comment on the statement purported to have been made by Mr. Mensah until he got the full text of recording. ?If such a statement was indeed made by the honourable MP, then I think this nation is doomed.

If Indeed MR. E.T. Mensah said this, then he owes not only the Gas an apology, but the people of this country because it is an insult to the democratic dispensation that we enjoy today. It is an insult to free speech, and it is an insult to the Gas in the NDC as well.

Because he is a leading member of a political party and a former minister, it behoves on him to retract the story and apologised to the Gas only, but to the whole nation to ensure that this country moves forward, he said.

The NPP national organiser? observation came in the wake of media reports that MR. Mensah had insulted Gas in the NPP as fools, at a forum in Teshie, Mr. Mensah has denied ever making such a statement.

The statement has not only raised eyebrows among Gas in the NDC but in the NPP as well. This paper attempts to reach top notches of the NDC for their reaction proved future as all of them declined to comment on this matter

Source: .