
EC Must Come Clear on NDC’s GHC 5M Payment

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 Source: Concerned Ghanaians - USA

– Concerned Ghanaians - USA

For the most part of it, the objective of the many demonstrations we have held in the USA against the government of Ghana have been to seek economic, political and social justice for the ordinary Ghana. Not only that, we have also sought to advocate for fairness and level playing grounds in the political dispensation in our beloved country. Our focus now among these responsibilities is to advocate for the peace and stability of our nation before and after the November elections of 2016.

However, for some time now, the EC is purported to be in bed with John Mahama and the NDC. There have been numerous times that the actions and inactions of the commission have been called into question. They are seen as being biased and acting on the whim and caprices of John Mahama and his government. Such perception and admission by the majority of Ghanaians heightens the sense of insecurity and danger ahead of the election.

It has therefore become a grave concern for members of Concerned Ghanaians-USA to have read a story which appeared on on February 12, 2016; “NDC pays EC GHC5.4m” (See Ghanaweb link: In the said story, the beleaguered accountant who has served the NDC for 23 years indicated how tranches of monies were paid to the Electoral Commission on different occasions for no stated reasons. He stated “Myself and Asiedu Nketia went to the bank and withdrew money on behalf of the EC”. He added that “The first cheque was GHC630,000; the second cheque was GHC357,000; the third cheque was GHC2 million, then followed by GHC2.199, 340, then followed by GHC69,315, GHC54,975, GHC140,000 and GHC100,000, totaling GHC5.544,630.”

These are some of the incidents that continue to erode the confidence of the people in the EC, and tend to pose danger to the peace and stability of our nation towards the impending elections. It is no secret that John Mahama and the NDC are bent on holding onto political power by any means necessary, and are ready to go every extent to meddling in the affairs of the EC in handling fairly the 2016 elections.

Concerned Ghanaians – USA therefore demands the EC to publicly come clear on why it received those monies from the NDC. It is in its own interest and the interest of Ghanaians to do so. Charlotte Osei, Ghanaians must know!

Kwame Agyeman-Budu

Operations Director, Concerned Ghanaians - USA

Source: Concerned Ghanaians - USA