
EOCO is the most corrupt institution in Ghana – John Boadu

John Boadu

Wed, 6 Nov 2013 Source: peacefmonline

Aspiring National Organizer of the New Patriotic Party, John Boadu says the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) is the most corrupt institution in Ghana.

John Boadu, alluding to the ineptitude of the authorities of EOCO, decried their inability to hold thorough investigations into corrupt practices by government officials.

Speaking on Oman FM regarding the controversial judgment debt involving businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome and the Waterville & ISOFOTON saga, John Boadu slammed the anti-corruption agency for failing to unearth the truth in the judgment debt scandal.

“EOCO is one of the most corrupt institutions ever; because while there are problems and we’ve asked you to hold investigations into it, the only thing it did was to present an interim report. We don’t know when the final report will come out,” he said.

He also took a swipe at President Mahama and the ruling NDC government for their involvement in the scandal, saying "the government is corrupt. It’s official.”

Buttressing his assertions, the NPP Aspirant alluded to the failure of the Mahama government to retrieve the sum of money which was illegally paid out to Waterville and ISOFOTON as judgment debt.

He also disclosed that prior to the elections last year, former Attorney General, Martin Amidu, who spearheaded actions in court to reclaim the monies from the two companies, was arrested by the National Security under the cover of darkness, for no apparent reason. This, he asserted, indicts the government.

“Ask Martin Amidu that on the 4th, on the 5th, on the 6th of December, the National Security personnel arrested him for what?” That is where you’ll see that the government is corrupt. It’s official,” he stated.

Source: peacefmonline